Clutter bug… Does your stuff have you down?
I have a junk drawer. Well, actually I have 2 junk drawers. And 2 junk cabinets.
There… you know my secret.
I have ADHD, and sometimes my stuff just overwhelms me, and I need to hide it away. Out of sight, out of mind. For now, anyway.
Cluttering behaviors are very common for ADHDers. Like me, some of us hide our clutter, and for others, their clutter is out there for the world to see.
The causes of this clutter madness are endless. Some of us don’t see the clutter or even realize there is a problem. Others suffer from swiss cheese memory and are afraid to let things go lest they lose the memory. And of course, some people will just put things off for a “later” that never does happen.
Whatever the “why”, what can we do about it?
Periodically, I either fully dump my junk drawer into the trash or dump it into a box for the garage. The method I choose varies on my current state of overwhelm and what my brain will allow for that moment.
But, that can’t be the healthiest approach. In an article for ADDitude magazine (and if you haven’t checked out this resource, please do! It’s great. Here’s a link to the article:, Sandy Maynard provides several tips that I think we can start implementing today.
Next is having a magazine rack in rooms where magazines are consumed. In my family, media is largely consumed electronically, so this isn’t an issue in my home. Is it for you? If so, maybe it’s time to invest in a magazine rack. For my house, it’s cords and chargers. I think I can utilize the first tip to help out here.
And lastly, she suggests designating one junk drawer in every room. What! Of course! My junk drawers aren’t a bad thing, They help me have a place for something while I figure out if I need to trash it or store it.
I hope this helps give you some ideas about de-cluttering your life!